Children's Hospices Across Scotland

CHAS are back at the Edinburgh Kiltwalk and taking over Pit Stop 2

Each week in Scotland, three children die from an incurable, life-shortening condition. Currently CHAS only reach one of those families to provide the vital care and support they deserve.

About CHAS

Children’s Hospices Across Scotland – better known as CHAS – is dedicated to supporting every single member of these families as they face the toughest challenge of their lives. We are committed to making sure that no matter how short their time together may be, it is a time filled with happiness and fun.

Knowing that your child is going to die before you do is the unthinkable reality that thousands of families across Scotland have to cope with every day.

This is a really challenging journey. It relies on trust, courage and love of the families with whom we work, the dedication, compassion and expertise of our team and the professionalism of our partners across health and care services. Along the way something truly amazing happens, because in the pain of terrible grief, joy lives on. We are dedicated to helping families celebrate the lives of their children whilst they are together – and to honour their memory.

Fundraising Impact Statement

Every penny our supporters raise makes a huge difference to the to the lives of children with life-shortening conditions in Scotland, and their families. “We are in the Highlands, so without CHAS we wouldn’t be able to access any respite support at all. With CHAS, I can just be Mum, and not Evelyn’s nurse. The hospice really is just the most amazing place for us all” – Mum, Grace

£200 could pay for an Activities Coordinator for a day, helping children with very limited movement and communication to make memory books or helping with crafts and messy play, allowing the child to express themselves where they may otherwise not be able to.

The CHAS pit stop 2024 will bring together entertainment from out of this world! With Causeplayers from across the galaxy, and live music together with the CHAS team cheering on every walker.

Find out more about CHAS fundraising events here.