The Kiltwalk app is here!
Get support with your fundraising now
The Kiltwalk app is a 'must have' for all Kiltwalkers signed up to Kiltwalk events. It will guide you through your Kiltwalk journey & help you raise funds for your chosen Charity.

Download now in the Apple Store
Download now in Google Play Store (Android)
As all Kiltwalkers know, we walk to raise much needed funds for Scottish Charities and this app has been designed with fundraising at its very core. Not only does the app bring all of your personalised event and fundraising info into one place, the video creator and social sharing tools allow you to capture and share powerful fundraising stories in just a few clicks. It also features Kiltwalk rewards badges, live event location tracking, interactive course maps, Kiltwalk updates and all Kiltwalk Information you need for your Kiltwalk event.
App features:
- Easy JustGiving Link share - no more copy and pasting!
- Kiltwalker Story Video Creator - Create and share powerful stories
- Kiltwalk rewards - Gain badges when you hit key milestones
- Live event location tracking
- Interactive course maps
- News and Updates
- Kiltwalker event Info
Find out more about the Kiltwalk app
Take a look here through our Kiltwalk app support videos