Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance at Dundee Kiltwalk Pit Stop 4!

We can’t wait to see everyone as they pass through Pit Stop 4! Our mascots will cheer you on along with music and encouragement from our volunteers.

From bases in Aberdeen and Perth, our crews stand ready to respond, ready to help people across Scotland who are seriously ill or injured. People like Clive who was trying to save a bumble bee in his workshop when he slipped off a ladder and crashed onto the concrete floor below.

“I took one look at my leg and knew it was serious, the bones were sticking through the skin in two places and my ankle was distorted and twisted. The emergency call handler told my wife what to do and kept reassuring her that help was on the way," recalled Clive.

"We then heard this deafening roar outside and my wife said 'You'll never believe it, but a helicopter has just landed on our lawn', I've never been so relieved to see anyone in my life.”

Clive spent six days in hospital, undergoing several operations for a double open fracture and a dislocated ankle, mending breaks in the bone and skin with pins and fixings. He faces a long road to recovery but he's in no doubt that SCAA played a huge part in reducing his suffering.

"I'll be forever grateful to SCAA," he said. "The speed they got to me made a huge difference. I was in pain and my wife was in distress. SCAA helped ease both.”

"Everyone in Scotland should support this amazing charity - you just never know when it's your turn."

As the country’s only charity-funded air ambulance, relying entirely on public donations, we are truly grateful for all your support.

Find out more about SCAA here –