Our Official Grant Making Partner

Our Official Grant Making Partners distribute all funds raised when walkers choose ‘The Kiltwalk’ during registration

Choose 'The Kiltwalk' during registration and all your fundraising will be distributed by our Official Grant Making Partners - The STV Children's Appeal.

Our Relationship

When you sign up, you can raise funds for your chosen charity or pick 'The Kiltwalk'. If you select 'The Kiltwalk', all funds raised will be distributed locally by our Official Grant Making partner, the STV Children's Appeal.

Why support the STV Children’s Appeal?

Over 240,000 children live in poverty across Scotland, which is around 1 in 4 children. Child poverty can restrict opportunities, often preventing children from a happy childhood.

The sad reality is that there are still too many children in and around our neighbourhoods who are going hungry or living in cold homes without proper winter clothing. Some children are suffering from isolation or not receiving the care they need to support positive mental well-being. Other children just don’t get access to the opportunities they need to reach their potential. According to the Scottish Government, children living in poverty have high food insecurity, and more than two thirds of children in poverty live in working households. (Source: Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2019-22 (data.gov.scot))

The STV Children’s Appeal is a grant-making charity committed to helping children and families living in poverty across Scotland, by funding projects that provide essential support.

Every pound raised stays here in Scotland and throughout communities, the Appeal offers practical help like food and warm clothes, creates opportunities for training and employability, and enables social and emotional support. Since its beginning, the STV Children's Appeal has granted over 2,400 awards to both national and local projects that provide essential services to children and families affected by poverty across Scotland.

How does the money help?

£10 could pay for urgent household items like nappies for a week.

£25 could contribute towards gas and electric bills for a family with children.

£30 could provide a young person struggling with their mental health a counselling session with a professional.

£50 could provide an emergency food package for a family struggling to make ends meet.

£100 could help a family to purchase clothes, bedding and other essentials for their children.

Get involved!

You can help make a difference – all you have to do is sign up, choose ‘The Kiltwalk’ as your charity, put on your walking shoes and join our fight against child poverty in Scotland.


An automated JustGiving page will be created for you during registration allowing you to do online fundraising. Simply share the link with family and friends and you're off to a flying start!

Your charity will show as 'Kiltwalk' as the Kiltwalk collects all the fundraising, claims any eligible Gift Aid and sends it on to the STV Children's Appeal for them to distribute to great local causes supporting children in Scotland.

If you wish to do offline fundraising, please use the Kiltwalk Sponsor Form, which is available here.

Thank you for your support!